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News - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order : Update liefert neuen Modus!

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In dieser Woche veröffentlicht Electronic Arts den nächsten Patch zum erfolgreich gestarteten sowie gelungenen Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Dabei liefert der Publisher nun ein vielerorts beliebtes, bislang jedoch noch fehlendes Feature nach.

Mit Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order bekommen Fans des Sci-Fi-Franchise endlich gelungenes neues Spielefutter an die Hand, die Wert auf Story legen. Das ohnehin bereits gelungene Spielekapitel wird nun abermals optimiert, denn in dieser Woche steht der nächste Patch ins Haus.

Dabei liefert Electronic Arts mit dem Fotomodus nun auch einen häufig gewünschten und beliebten Modus nach, der heutzutage eigentlich in fast keinem aktuellen Top-Titel fehlen darf. Mit diesem könnt ihr durch den Klick beider Sticks künftig Szenen pausieren und sehenswerte Screenshots und Bilder einfangen.

Ist der Modus aktiviert, könnt ihr künftig die Kamera bewegen und diverse Filter und Effekte auf euren Screenshot anwenden. Sogar die Integration zusätzlicher Spotlights ist möglich, um dunklere Bereiche einer Szene besser hervorzuheben.

Das Update bringt aber noch weitere Änderungen mit sich. So könnt ihr beispielsweise auch handlungsspezifische Teile der Lichtschwert-Individualisierung entfernen. Das vollständige Patch-Log könnt ihr euch im Folgenden durchlesen.


  • BD-1’s ability to slice panels was sometimes not working as intended, preventing you from progressing. This has been fixed and should no longer occur.
  • A mural scan on Bogano wasn’t working properly, this should now be fixed.
  • The train on Bracca could get stuck in a state where grates would fall off too early, preventing progress. We’ve fixed this so that Cal can continue climbing.
  • On rare occasions Bounty Hunters would stop hunting Cal, we’ve now re-enabled their trackers, so be careful.
  • For some players, BD-1 had gotten left behind on Bogano, preventing further progression. This should now be fixed.
  • The chest count on some planets was not working as intended, this has been fixed.
  • On rare occasions Greeze would refuse to open the ship doors and expose Cal to the sunlight on Dathomir. We’ve fixed this so that the story can continue.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Holomap areas and gates from not working properly on Dathomir, Kashyyyk and Bogano.
  • An issue would sometimes occur that would cause the Holomap tutorial on Bogano to remain on-screen. This has been resolved and it should no longer occur.
  • An elevator on Zeffo could lead to Cal getting stuck in an infinite loop, our maintenance crews have fixed this particular elevator.
  • A dropship on Zeffo wasn’t showing up as intended, preventing the player from progressing further. We’ve ensured all landing zones are clear for arrival and this should no longer occur.
  • PC players were having issues selecting difficulty with the mouse, this should now be resolved.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where Cal could avoid enemies on Zeffo, to the extent that gameplay events wouldn’t trigger, halting progression to the story.
  • On rare occasions cinematics on Dathomir get stuck in an error state, preventing progress. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause world loading issues on Kashyyyk for players with double jump. We’ve optimised the level to ensure loading completes properly.

Collision fixes

  • Collision within the caves and temple on Zeffo have been improved, reducing clipping issues and lowering the possibility of Cal becoming stuck.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause Cal to become stuck in a floating state below the train on Bracca.
  • We identified a few areas on Kashyyyk where Cal could fall out of the world, this will no longer happen.
  • We’ve fixed some collision on Dathomir, preventing Cal from falling through the ground.
  • Collision on Illum has also been improved, making sure that Cal doesn’t become stuck.
  • During a fight with the Second Sister, it was possible for her to get stuck in a door. She has been freed.
  • Bogano has had its collision improved, preventing Cal from becoming stuck on world geometry.
  • In some rare cases, Cal was floating while on Kashyyyk. He has since been grounded.
Möge die Macht mit uns sein - Video-Review zu Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Packt das Lichtschwert aus, in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gibt es mächtig auf die Mütze. Wir zeigen euch, was alles in dem Spiel steckt.

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