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News - Rocket League : Neues Balancing-Update verfügbar

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Psyonix hat seinem Erfolgstitel Rocket League ein weiteres Update verpasst, welches das Spiel auf die Versionsnummer 1.16 hievt.

Neue Inhalte bringt der Patch allerdings nicht mit sich; vielmehr konzentriert sich dieser vorwiegend auf Verbesserungen beim Balancing. In den USA wurde durch das Update außerdem auch die Alterseinstufung der ESRB von E10+ auf E abgesenkt, was Auswirkungen auf die Einstellungen der elterlichen Kontrolle hat.

Die Patch-Änderungen im Überblick:


  • Improved Hitboxes for multiple vehicles to more accurately represent their models; specifically…
  • Fixed Scarab and Grog’s hitboxes, which were not long enough
  • Fixed Breakout and Hotshot’s hitboxes, which were not wide enough
  • Fixed Batmobile and Breakout’s hitboxes, which were abnormally long
  • Fixed Gizmo, Octane, Ripper, and Scarab’s hitboxes, which were too tall
  • Fixed Dominus’ hitbox, which was not long or tall enough
  • Repaired collision issues that resulted in incorrect ball-bounce behavior in some maps.
  • Additionally, the “Wasteland” Arena received collision improvements to eliminate inaccurate bounces
  • ESRB Rating has been lowered to “E” from “E10+” (this should just affect parental control settings)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Battle-Cars to jump considerably higher than they were supposed to
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