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Patch - Out of the Park Baseball 11 : Nächstes kleines Update für Linux

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Fixes for Version 11.2.18

1. Fixed issues related to FaceGen/player photos

Fixes for Version 11.2.17

1. 3 minor bugs on the baseball cards are fixed. Build #17 also contains the latest baseball card templates created by our beta tester BMW!
2. Fixed the bug where changes made to PhotoFit (Facegen) pictures where not sticky and caused the picture to reload.
3. The change beard/hair color/facial type/same picture functions are back in the picture menu now for fictional and for photofit/fg file pictures.
4. When loading an existing league with 11.2.x for the first time, OOTP converts the player pictures from firstname_lastname.jpg/png to player_x.png. Build #17 will delete the old picture files while converting a league.
5. The patcher installs the latest version of the text database (english.xml file). The file contains a timestamp to check its version.

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: ootp11linuxpatch11218.tar.gz
Dateigrösse: 10 MB

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