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Patch - Drox Operative : Die nächsten Bugfixes für die Mac-Version

  • PC
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  • fixed "Add flavor to the pot" text
  • added corruption thats slows down leading races some (the higher they are compared to the average power, the more corruption)
  • now race power bar is relative to strongest known race
  • fixed some race specific quests not staying race specific (incognoscente)
  • increased EconomicPointsNeededForWin from 3750.0 to 4500.0
  • now just about every quest has a direct impact to the quest giver's local economy
  • now when races have too much money they will start spending the excess on technology research
  • unrest, riots, rebellions, and civil wars now have a chance to escalate each other if more than one within same race
Dateiname: DroxMacPatch0913.zip
Dateigröße: 7 MB

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