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News - Dave the Diver : Neues Update gestaltet den Indie-Hit zugänglicher

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Barrierefreiheit entpuppte sich in den letzten Monaten als sehr wichtiger Faktor für Videospiele. Damit möglichst viele Gamer in den Genuss allerhand Titel kommen können, schicken sich Entwickler an, ihre Spiele so zugänglich wie möglich zu gestalten. Ein neues Update für Dave the Diver fügt nun auch einige sehr wichtige Features hinzu.

Mit Dave the Diver gelang Entwickler MINTROCKET ein kleiner Überraschungshit. Das Indie-Spiel lässt euch in den Neoprenanzug des namensgebenden Tauchers schlüpfen. Unter Wasser sammelt ihr allerhand Fische und anderes Meeresgetier, damit ein Freund von euch Sushi daraus machen kann. Die Mischung aus Adventure und Restaurantmanager traf bei Release Ende Juni genau den sommerlichen Zeitgeist.

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Bei all dem Erfolg wurden aber doch einige Taucher außen vor gelassen, nämlich Spielerinnen und Spieler mit Behinderungen. Das scheint den Entwicklern mittlerweile auch bewusst zu sein und so haben sie einige Barrierefreiheitsoptionen via Patch hinzugefügt.

Beispielsweise bietet Dave the Diver nun eine Möglichkeit, Quick-Time-Events deutlich zu vereinfachen. Anstelle von schnellen Tastendrücken oder Wackeln am Joystick reicht es dann auch aus, einen einzigen Button zu betätigen. Zudem wurde die allgemeine Menüstruktur angepasst, vor allem vertikal sollt ihr jetzt leichter navigieren können.

Dazu hat MINTROCKET allerhand Detailverbesserungen vorgenommen. Beispielsweise freuen sich deutsche Daves über verbesserte Textqualität und auch der Sound wurde überarbeitet. Dazu erfuhr das Spiel eine bessere Optimierung für das Steam Deck.

Alle Patchnotes in englischer Sprache findet ihr nachfolgend. Aber Achtung vor möglichen Spoilern!


1) In-game Controls

  • Added functions that support automated QTE (Quick time event)
      - There will now be an additional function for processing QTEs (button-mashing): Automated process by pushing one button.
      - The interaction gauge will automatically charge with the simple press of a button.
      - This function can be turned ON/OFF in the settings.
  • Controller TYPES can now be selected.
      - Xbox Controller
      - DUALSHOCK®4
      - DualSense
      - Switch Pro Controller
  • Base settings will “automatically” detect the connected controller and display related buttons.
      - If Steam Input is used, however, Xbox controls will be displayed/used.

2) System Optimization

  • Overall build and patch size has been reduced with certain changes in resource arrangement.
  • Overall optimization has been improved so that the game may run in devices with lower specs.

3) UI Updates

  • Overall UI size has been readjusted
      - UI size has been improved to fit the needs of not only the PC users, but also to support players with a Steam Deck.
  • Inventory sorting function has been added.
      - Divers can now easily check their acquired items and get rid of unnecessary goods when diving.
        - Items in inventory can be sorted by their Acquired Date / Weight / Name / Rank / Amount.
  • Movement in a menu that’s in a vertical list has been improved.
      - Pressing up/down once more when at the top and/or bottom of a list will allow you to go to the opposite side of the list.

4) Sushi Restaurant

  • [After Chapter 6] Option to serve Party dishes has been added.
      - When setting the Operation Policy for the Branch, divers can now select an option to provide Party dishes to normal customers.
      - When the setting is turned ON, Party dishes will be served to normal customers.
      - Please note that if there aren’t enough dishes to be served, dishes meant for Party customer may be sent to normal customers.
  • [After Chapter 4] Cocktail colors have changed.
      - Cocktail colors have changed to support color-blind players.
  • Maki can no longer be dismissed.
      - If Maki has already been dismissed, she will return to you as Level 1.

5) Underwater Exploration

  • [After Chapter 3] Improved Beluga Taxi controls
  • A warning message will now be displayed when an event forces you to leave the water.
      - For certain events, you will return to the place where you left off, instead of going to the lobby after the event ends.
  • Improved the message displayed when using the Cargo Box while at max capacity state (weight).
  • Image, name, and description Blackspot Seabream (Salema Porgy) have changed.
      - Fixed the issue where the details of the fish did not match that of the real-life version.
  • Improved the movement/direction logic of certain fish types.
  • Improved the descriptions of certain weapon enhancement parts.

6) Farm & Fish Farm

  • Added the ‘Keep up to 2’ option in the Fish Farm.
      - Added an option to keep 2 of the same species for breeding when selling/transferring ingredients.
  • Fixed an issue where offspring of mammals were displayed as roe.
  • Watering Can no longer be sold.
      - If you’ve already sold the Watering Can, you can acquire the original ‘Watering Can’ after the update.

7) Minigame - GYAO!

  • GYAO! Codex and Marinca has been separated.
      - GYAO has been removed from the Marinca app, and cards acquired in GYAO! can be checked through the codex within the Minigame.
  • ‘Revive’ function has been added to GYAO.

8) Other Improvements

  • Improved the overall text quality of French / German / Spanish / Portuguese.
  • Mouse cursor will no longer be displayed when playing with a controller.
  • Steel Net can now be purchased in the Cobra Shop at all times when a Tuna Party is in progress.
  • The overall sound quality has been improved.
  • Korean & Japanese title screens have been localized.

[Balance Updates]

1) Sushi Restaurant

  • Adjusted the in-game balance of operation costs and employee wages.
      - Operation costs for Platinum & Diamond rank have decreased.
      - Employee wages have increased depending on their level.
  • Increased the selling prices of certain sushi dishes and ingredients.

  • Changed the unlock conditions for special customers
      - Before: Customers are unlocked by meeting certain conditions.
      - After: Customers are unlocked depending on the Cooksta grade.

2) Other Balance Changes

  • Changed the weight of below species.
      - Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel
  • Changed the food buffs acquired at Mima’s restaurant
      - Updated dishes: Feather Dumpling / Mima’s Special Dumpling

[Bug Fixes]

1) Underwater Exploration

  • Fixed an issue where the interaction process of killing a fish and/or tranquilizing it did not promptly trigger when Dave got in close-range.
  • [Chapter 6] Fixed an issue where the Antarctic Octopus did not react to attacks while being chased.
  • Fixed an issue where an abnormal amount of fish meat was acquired when using Salvage Drones.
  • Fixed an issue where Dave’s movement was limited when protecting the baby whale.
  • Fixed an issue where the gameplay was sometimes not processed normally after a QTE interaction in a battle.
  • Fixed an issue where Dave couldn't get past Tubeworms in certain situations even after turning on the UV Light.
  • [FishMon] Fixed an issue where the Wizard Barrel Jellyfish sometimes moved abnormally.
  • Fixed an issue where certain fish species did not react to Doll Decoy.
  • Fixed an issue where the Item Description UI was not displayed as intended when using the Underwater Cargo Box.
  • Fixed an issue where the gauge UI was not displayed as intended under certain conditions when using the Shock Harpoon Tip.
  • Fixed an issue where the effects of Lure Capsule were sometimes not reflected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dave could die during the animation of using an Escape Pod.
  • Fixed an issue where Dave could enter unopened areas under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where Escape Pod was displayed as if it could not be used even in cases where it could be.
  • Fixed an issue where certain species were covered by background objects.

2) Sushi Restaurant

  • Fixed an issue where the sources of certain dishes were not displayed correctly.
  • Improved input controls in the cooking battle.
  • Fixed an issue where the dishes that were registered in the afternoon disappeared under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where the amount of Gold displayed differed from the actual amount under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where the BGM after the cooking battle was sometimes outputted abnormally.
  • Fixed an issue where certain dishes from the Branch could not be interacted with using mouse controls.
  • Fixed an issue where the VIP missions were sometimes not cleared even when all ingredients have been acquired.
  • Fixed an issue where additional Likes were not reflected after a certain amount of Likes at Diamond rank.

3) Boss Fights

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Overweight’ status maintained even after dying in a boss fight
  • Fixed an issue where the screen focused on a random spot in the death animations of bosses.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could sometimes not be continued after beating the Wolf Eel.
  • Fixed an issue where shark bosses did not attack as intended.

4) Sushi Restaurant

  • Fixed an issue where the Re-dispatch menu UI were sometimes not being displayed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the dispatched staff did not return.

5) Missions

  • Fixed an issue where the beluga mission was cleared even when the antidote was not brought back.
  • Fixed an issue where a tutorial scene played at the boat and the gameplay could not be continued.

6) Sea People Village

  • Fixed an issue where the interaction button was sometimes not displayed.

7) Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘newly acquired’ icon did not disappear in the Diver Box.
  • Fixed an issue where the location of certain background objects was different than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where certain graphic effects were being displayed differently than intended.
  • Fixed minor sound output errors.
  • Fixed minor translation errors.
Tauchen trifft auf Restaurant-Management - Das ist Dave the Diver

Dave the Diver geht tagsüber auf Tauchgänge, um Fische zu fangen, die er am Abend in seinem Restaurant den hungrigen Gästen serviert. Felix hat das ungewöhnliche Spiel für euch ausprobiert.

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