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News - Tom Clancy's The Division : Patch 1.8.1 und Xbox One X Update verfügbar

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Wer immer noch ein Herz für Ubisofts Deckungs-Shooter The Division hat, bekommt mit dem heute erschienenen Update 1.8.1. gute Gründe, mal wieder die Nase ins Spiel zu stecken.

Auch wenn The Division 2 längst angekündigt ist, hindert das Ubisoft Massive nicht daran, weiter am ersten Teil des Deckungs-Shooters zu schrauben. Heute ist das Update 1.8.1 erschienen, das neben einer ganzen Reihe von Bugfixes auch Änderungen einiger Spielelemente mit sich bringt.

So gibt es mit Blackout und Onslaught zwei neue Global-Event-Typen, wobei das erstere sich um Schockmunition dreht, während das zweite Schadenseffekte wie Brennen, Bluten und Gas umfasst. Aktuell wurde noch kein Global Event gestartet, das dürfte aber nur eine Frage der Zeit sein. Auch stehen mit Amherst's Apartment und Grand Central Station zwei weitere Einsätze im legendären Schwierigkeitsgrad zur Verfügung.

Viel getan hat sich indes beim Loot. So erhaltet ihr deutlich mehr Division Tech für die Erfüllung von täglichen und wöchentlichen Aufgaben, was diejenigen freuen wird, die ihr Equipment an der Optimierungsstation weiter verbessern wollen. Beim Global Events Händler gibt es nun Kisten mit garantierten Gegenständen aus bestimmten Classified Sets statt einfach nur einem Zufallsgegenstand irgendeines Sets. Auch die normalen Händler bieten nun Geheime Behälter mit Classified Set-Items zum Preis von satten 2.500 Phoenix Credits an. Zudem wurde allgemein die Droprate für Classified Gear erhöht, sodass es insgesamt nun leichter sein sollte, an die fortgeschrittenen Sets heranzukommen.

Auch bei den exotischen Gegenständen hat sich etwas getan. Die beim Händler erhältlichen Gegenstände wurden aus den Loottables der Bosse entfernt. Zusätzlich hat nun jeder Open World Boss die Chance, jedwedes Exotic Item droppen zu können, sodass nun wohl ein Ende der ewigen Skulls MC, Tenebrae und Caduceus Drops erreicht sein sollte. Es lohnt sich also, mal wieder gepflegt eine Weltbossrunde zu drehen.

Abgesehen davon können sich Besitzer der Xbox One X nun über das angekündigte Upgrade freuen. Der Download umfasst, je nach Plattform, zwischen 3,6 und 4,6 GB. Hier noch die kompletten Patchnotes für die ganz Wissenshungrigen:

Global Event 5 – Blackout


  • Always active: Agents are equipped with Shock Ammo that stuns enemies. Shooting or running builds your Charge meter – the more Charge, the more damage you inflict.

Extreme Blackout

  • Blackout behavior, plus you can instantly kill enemies with Overcharged melee attacks, but if you miss you will stun yourself and your allies.

Total Blackout

  • Extreme Blackout behavior, plus your Charge meter will cool down faster when close to other group members.

Global Event 6 – Onslaught


  • Always active; Deal Burn, Bleed, and Gas effects to enemies in addition to normal damage. Reload to change the effect.

Savage Onslaught

  • Onslaught behavior, enemies are vulnerable to one effect type and resistant to others. Agents take increased damage from resistant enemies.

Brutal Onslaught

  • Savage Onslaught behavior, plus when two or more group members kill a vulnerable enemy within two seconds, each member can reload to gain a damage bonus for a single clip.

New Commendation

  • Over 40 new Commendations unlockable in the new Global Events.

New Legendary Difficulty Missions

  • Amherst’s Apartment.
  • Grand Central Station.

Game Changes

  • Division Tech increases
    • Daily Combat, Crafting, Survival and Dark Zone Quests now reward the player with 25 Div Tech each.
    • Weekly Open World and Weekly Underground Assignments reward the player with 100 Div Tech each.
    • Season Pass Supply Drops now award 100 Division Tech.
  • Vendor Changes
    • Added a Classified Gear cache to the Special Vendor that guarantees 1 Classified Gear piece from the entire pool.
  • Global Events Vendor
    • Removed the basic cache from the vendor.
    • Each Global Event will now have individual caches per Classified Gear set for that Global Event. This allows the player to purchase, for example, a Fire Crest cache that guarantees one item from that set.
    • Bosses in the Resistance game mode now award 100 Global Event tokens.
  • Exotic Loot drops
    • Removed Premium Vendor Exotics from Open World loot pool and Exotic Caches
    • All Exotics added to the Open World Bosses.
  • Classified Gear Drop Rates
    • Classified Drop Rates chances have been increased in all locations.
    • Legendary Missions now have a 20% chance to give Classified Gear as a reward at the completion of the mission
    • Season Pass Supply Drops now have a 10% chance to drop Classified Gear.
    • Survival Caches now has a roughly 10% chance to drop Classified Gear.
  • Classified Gear
    • Classified Firecrest 6 piece talent now makes the player immune to the fiery explosion caused by the burning targets.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Mobile Cover Blast Shield mod explosion had no effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sticky Bomb Disruptor mod and the base Seeker Mine would affect neutral players in the Dark Zone.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI indicated that certain Support Station mods were affecting neutral players.

Global Events

  • Players are no longer able to kill Joe Ferro using explosives from the Strike Global Event while he is still in the spawning room.

Dark Zone

  • Fixed an issue where a player dying during the Manhunt Interact caused the sound to loop.
  • The „Group gone Rogue“ message no longer appears when a player with Rogue status enters the game while not in a group.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI for the Rogue timers would flash between different times.
  • Fixed various locations in the Dark Zone where the player could get stuck.


  • Certain Named NPCs tended to disappear from the Underground. We forced them back.
  • Fixed issues related to a confused JTF officer.
  • Fixed a weird door.


  • Fixed the display of the Survival weekly assignment for players under maximum level.


  • Fixed an issue where players would only receive one cache instead of three when completing the secret mission.


  • „Marathon“ Commendation now requires players to access the Camp Clinton safe house in order to unlock.
  • The “Facetime“ Commendation now tracks requirements appropriately.
  • Fixed the activity modifier requirement for some Global Event commendations.
  • „Search and Destroy“ Commendation now tracks for missions completed.
  • „Flawless Underground“ Commendation has been fixed to be awarded when all conditions are met.
  • „Directive Executive“ Commendation now awards when the proper conditions are met.
  • Commendations for the Global Event: Assault will no longer appear if the Global Event is not active.


  • Fixed an issue where the area of effect of the Firecrest fire was larger than the visuals indicated.


  • Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck on a concrete block in West Side Pier.
  • Fixed an instance in West Side Pier where players could get stuck outside playable area.
  • Somehow located and removed an invisible ladder.
  • There was a wall in Pier 93 that didn’t look right. It looks right now. We also fixed a weird ramp in there.
  • There was a corrupted texture outside of the Carrier. It has been rehabilitated.
  • Agents can no longer see outside of the game world in certain locations of Last Stand.
  • Fixed evil trash bin and bags.


  • Players will now be disconnected from the game servers when logging out of their PlayStation accounts.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck on the loading screen when accepting a console game invite while on the loading screen.


  • Fixed various technical issues that would make the game crash on PC.
  • „Time Played“ now appears on the Agent Selection screen instead of „Last Played“.

Premium Store

  • There were tabs in the store that appeared empty. We filled them.
  • Players can no longer see secondary weapons when previewing backpack skins.

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Tom Clancy's The Division
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