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Patch - Sword of the Stars: Born of Blood : Umfangreiche Verbesserungen & Neuerungen

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- Fix: Colony trap crash when crow dies.
- Fix: Emitter crash when firing ship dies.
- Fix: Crash when blowing up vn pyramid circling planet.
- Fix: Crash when double-clicking some ships in ship list.
- Fix: Crashes from AE missile spam (too many effects, ai vs ships
and you vs locust world)
- Fix: Crashes when using Node Cannon VS "immovable" objects.
- Fix: Colony trap encounter always auto-resolves peacefully. (all
- Fix: Planet must be reselected after colonization turn cycle to
enable the Build button.
- Fix: Tarka DN Projector section is sitting below combat plane.
- Fix: Wraith abductor doesn't die when pulled to planet by crow.
- Fix: Systems right beside each other in barred map.
- Fix: Slave discs/shuttles don't lose host when it cloaks.
- Fix: Camera focus on target detached when node cannon flings target.
- Fix: Zuul pathfinding: not checking if there is a path between ships.
- Fix: Random map selection
- Fix: Getting stuck in alliance with ally that surrendered.
- Fix: Political map not updating for eliminated players
- Fix: Locust encounter happening too frequently.
- Fix: Fire only at my target applies to every ship, not just selection.
- Fix: Fire at my target mode sometimes lets ships pick targets of
- Fix: Stop manual launch weapons from taking target when ship
selection (multiple designs) receives attack order.
- Fix: Add ship AI to non-selectable defence platforms (addresses
defence platforms not being able to launch manual fire weapons).
- Fix: Fix backwards boarding pod nodes on some ship sections.
- Fix: Political map generation thread pause during combat, and abort on
- Fix: Boarding pod texture on the tech tree cube for Torpedo Defence
- Fix: Locust minifleet model offset.
- Fix: Auto-targeting fix (origin placement) for all ship sections.
- Fix: Show cruiser tech acquired (not boarding pod acquired) when
zuul finish researching cruisers.
- Fix: Node cannon damage reports not correct.
- Fix: scavenger discs returning to scavenger ship that already has
- Fix: Star map gets stuck in invalid state if you go to combat while
the political map is up.
- Fix: Master's voice objective not complete when system colonized.
- Fix: No first contact hold fire between you and NPC.
- Fix: Ship steamrolling.
- Fix: Chain explicit target weapon banks (corossive missiles,
detonating torps, etc.)
- Fix: Tark DN engines: one or more have the wrong scrolling textures.
- Fix: Can't see cloaked enemy ships in battle view (green tinge) if
exposed by deep scan.
- Fix: Assault shuttle triangle on sensors not disappearing when
shuttle attaches.
- Fix: Visible sensor objects for attached battle riders are showing
up with the wrong rotation.
- Fix: Battle view focus attached rider -> sensors causes camera to zoom
to 0,0
- Fix: Locust attack groups not distributed properly among ships.
- Fix: Emitter effects not displaying / arcing into empty space.
- Fix: "Dropping cloaks now." always sounds at the end of every
battle in which cloaked ships take part.
- Fix: Remove "We have to retreat from this battle now" when done
observing player combat.
- Fix: Protected ships not being hit by planet missiles (?) in
auto-resolve (inc. deployed gate)
- Fix: Accuracy bonus of AI command section now works as designed
- Fix: Commerce raids "in system" now take place at appropriate long
distance from planet but at close range to freighters and escorts.
- Fix: Leap Mines not leading targets
- Fix: Driver spinal mount issues.

- Several adjustments to randoms and timings.
- Expanded Zuul Habitablity range to better reflect their background
- Adjustments to eliminate occasional quirky AI Alliance behaviour
- Emitter sound FX adjusted for more delicate ears Wink
- Barred map starting positions brought in a bit from the ends.
- AI research optimizations

- Weapon target queue for AE weapons.
- Improve fleet list ship info (double-click) to include info from tooltip.
- AI feelings towards you better/worse icon added to Dip Screen
- Other players Status with other players info added to Dip Screen
- Back engineering bonus for knowing the language of the race you are
checking for tech.
- Disc Map
- Cloaked Mines
- Additional Avatars and Icons
- Added turn repitition to money/research donations
- Added incremental notches into the trade/construction slider for trade
route support
- Added subsystem that will allow for turn data to be saved at any point
during a turn.
- Added horizontal weapon arc displays to ship design screen.
- Added Weapon Group Configuration panel to ship design screen
- Added Sensor range overlay for main starmap

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: sotsbob-1.3.6-1.4.0-en-patch-install.exe
Dateigrösse: 21 MB

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