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Patch - Sword of the Stars: Born of Blood : Entwickler geben nächsten Patch frei

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1)- Gate exploit (ie. using the gate on the turn it is deployed.)
2)- SHIFT+CLICK range selection of ships now works correctly.
3)- Interception with exposed raiding fleets reporting "no ships detected" on the enemy combat card.
4)- Boarding pods not latching onto targets.
5)- Defeated rebel AI is not removed from the political map.
6)- Ineffective node cannon damage versus deployed gates.
7)- Rare AI Zuul and Human slow-boating.
8 )- Profiles not accepting new key bindings when first loaded.
9)- "Enemy fleet detected" events for fleets that were destroyed in combat.
10)- Rare combat auto-resolve crash.
11)- Zuul infestation halting output for a system.
12)- Point defence weapons are being affected by fire at my target orders.
13)- Tractor beam hits recharging weapons on ships with energy absorbers.
14)- Known auto-resolve combat issues.
15)- Fleets on a closed loop path report "arrived" for the fleet eta.
16)- Wrong icon for cloaked mine.
17)- Various lists not capturing mouse wheel scrolling correctly.
18 )- Gap in small ring map.
19)- Rare crash in strategy AI caused by it transferring tankers away from fleets it is trying to move.
20)- Ships attempting to move over/under the planet.
21)- Ships flying excessively high or low to avoid each other.
22)- Maneuverable liir ships frequently colliding.
23)- Immediate retreat cheat.
24)- Close to attack not picking new targets.
25)- Occasional strat AI crash during node path planning.
26)- Bonus population not contributing to income or repair capacity of a system.


1) - Setting ship actions other than scuttle will now cancel the fleet's current move order.
2)- No more secure/unsecure sector news events.
that only involve allied sectors.
3)- Empire savings will now always display red while negative.
4)- Increased bounty for killing freighters.
5)- Idle freighters now automatically move to a sector when it becomes secure.
6)- Selected trade sector is now highlighted.
7)- Addressed the node intercept exploit. Now if a fleet is much smaller than the fleet it is intercepting, there is a chance it will miss the interception.
8 )- Tweaked AI surrender, research and fiscal managment considerations.
9)- Recalibrated some weapon rating displays.
10)- Modified combat AI maneuvering.
11)- returned the "twist" to the barred starmap.
12)- Exclude Zuul from receiving bonuses for older colonies.
13)- Save game dialog now closes after a successful save.


1)- Added option to profile INI (DefaultAutoResolveCombat=True/False) to default any combat to auto-resolve.
2)- Added Delete button to the load game dialog.
3)- Your most recent star map and (combat) sensors screen settings are now saved with your profile.
4)- Key bindings can now be viewed (only) in-game by going to the Options/Input screen.
5)- Added Split Ships option to fleet context menu.
6)- Hiver fleet headings now include gate traffic cost.
7)- Added new Trade Summary screen, accessible as a new tab in the empire info screen ('E' or click pie chart).
8 )- Area effect weapons auto-firing can now be toggled in combat with the 'A' key.
9)- Ship roll maneuvers may now be initiated with [ (roll left) and ] (roll right). All stop 's' will halt a maneuver in progress.
10)- Added new pursuit stance to combat (F6/SHIFT+F6). This will cause ships to leave the combat plane to tail their targets.
11)- CTRL+TAB now cycles through secure trade sectors.
12)- Added additional autosave that occurs just before combat, so that changes made during theturn are not lost: "(Autosave Endturn).sav" This *ONLY* happens in single player mode.
13)- Using a fleet as a hop in a complex path.

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: sotsbob-1.4.1-en-patch-install.exe
Dateigrösse: 31 MB

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