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Patch - Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory : Umfangreiche neue Aktualisierung ist da

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Changes from 2.10 to 2.11

1. Fixed a small bug that caused a CTD when a fighter is going after a bomber to check and see that the attacking fighter is RAF (LUF fighters do not go after Bombers). Thanks to Baza.
2. Fixed a bug by separating the code for Multi AI attacking an AI so that the Bdg.txt parameter Max_Number_AI_Targeting_AI is more effective.
3. Tried to fix a very intermittent problem of AI A/C sticking their wing into the ground when doing a AUTO_LANDING.
4. Fixed the FOV_JIB01 Key (Shift+F8) so it will both zoom in and zoom out
5. Fixed the FOV so returning from the Map the FOV will reset to “Initial Field of View” which players can define in Options->Adv.
6. Increased the rate of fire for the Browning 303 on the Spit and Hurri. I reduced the bullet load out for the Spit to 300 bullets per gun. I reduced the bullet load out for the Hurri to 334 bullets per gun. The change was brought about by players posts on the General Forum. Our thanks to the BOBII community.
7. Increased the percent of maneuver SLASHINGATTACK to try and reduce the number of attacks on Bombers from the rear.
8. Fixed/prevented a CTD in AutoLanding thanks to Chumleigh.
9. No evasive maneuver if attacking A/C is maneuver = STRAFFE and target A/C has it gear on the ground.
10. Added a new BDG.txt parameter for those who want a an option for the JU87 behavior (maybe not realistic but the JU87 did have front guns):
Do_You_Want_The_JU87_To_DogFight=OFF # ON = After being fired on (and a evasive maneuver) the JU87 will dogfight OFF = No, dogfighting after being fired on (and an evasive maneouvre)
11. Make A/C invisible after it “blows-up”.
12. If move code of target (ai.unfriendly) = NULL , then select an aggressive maneuver.
13. Fix the One-on-One mission so the Tiger Moth will get engaged.
14. Implemented the Tiger Moth positive and negative “G” for the wings so the wings will break correctly if over stressed. Thanks to Ken for the numbers.
15. Fix a error message in SelectTheNextDisengage maneuver program, thanks to Chumleigh.
16. Fix a CTD in Disengage thanks to Chumleigh.
17. Prevented a CTD in “ArtInt::PersonalThreat” thanks to Chumleigh for finding this one.
18. A code change in AutoTakeOff so if the player is in Manual Engine Management the AI will take off in 30 seconds but if the player is in Auto Engine Management the AI will take off in 10 seconds. We need to thank our new player (Frederf) for the suggestion.
19. Flight Model updates (see notes later in this post).
20. Fixed Added a wing failure (+ and - G force) for the Tiger Moth as the numbers are different from the other BOBII flyable A/C. Thanks to Ken for the idea, requirements, and testing of this feature.
22. Fixed a bad bug in the spinning feature of BOBII for all flyable A/C thanks to Ken for finding and reporting this bug. I was using a speed check for take of and landings but the Tiger Moth is so much slower I implemented a "GearTouch" check.
23. Add a check for a bad pointer (pTrackIR) that may have caused a CTD during MP testing.


Flight Model (FM) updates.

Some notes from Blue Six, our FM specialist.

Buddye has made several significant code changes in support of Flight Model development for the Tiger Moth. Since two of these changes also enhance the FMs of the original five a/c, they are included with Patch 2.11:

1.) the spin determination code has been modified to enhance spin entry at low airspeeds – it is now relatively easy for the player to deliberately spin the a/c by simply throttling back, raising the nose slightly, then kicking rudder and pulling smoothly back on the stick as the aircraft approaches the stall. The stick should be held fully back and central until the spin is established. This procedure could not be relied upon to produce a spin previously; in most cases, the aircraft would simply enter heavy buffet and the nose would drop. Spins at higher airspeeds, following accelerated stalls, are not affected by this code change. No changes are required to the player's spin settings in the .bdg file;
2.) a "fixed rudder trim" feature has been added, for both the Tiger Moth and the Bf109, to simulate the ground adjustable only rudder trim found on these two a/c. As with the fixed aileron trim already implemented, this is only active if torque and slipstream effects are enabled in Options. The amount of trim is adjustable through a new setting in the .bdg file, i.e. "BF109_Rudder_Trim_Delta." A default setting of 150 is recommended for the Bf109 – this, used in combination with the current BF109_Aileron_Trim_Delta default setting of 1250, will trim the aircraft for an assumed cruise condition of 400 kph / 60% power setting. To prevent problems in taxiing, the fixed rudder trim comes into play gradually, once airspeed exceeds 40 kph.


Multiskin updates
Updates are to the new Bf110 model (brand new set of skins and markings to go with the new model) and corrections for the Bf109. Thanks to Redband for the corrections and Bf110 markings, as well as Stickman for the ZG76 sharkmouth.

All in, over 2,000 schemes for all fighters and bombers are authentically modelled, a unique feature of the passion and dedication of the BoBII community.


Landscape improvements come in three parts

1. We now have over 600 upgraded ground objects. The latest objects are in towns and cities.
2. We have High Res Landscape textures. To use this, select LANDSCAPE_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048 This is the default now.
The original BoBII textures were 256x256. With 2.06 we went to 512x512, with 2.08, we went to 1024x1024 and now we have 2048x2048. This improves the look and feel low down considerably.
3. Dover and Folkestone areas remodelled.

Note: please select FULL Ground Object Density in the game setup screens (under "More GFX") to see all of the objects.

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Dateiname: bob2_update_v2.11_INT.EXE
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